Singing Guide: Gabe Pope

Singing Guide: Gabe Pope

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Great choice! Gabe Pope is a talented musician known for his silky smooth vocals and signature falsetto runs. In this article, we’ll explore how you can learn to sing like Gabe Pope and showcase his unique vocal technique and style.

Vocal Technique

Gabe Pope has a soft and smooth yet powerful voice, with a strong falsetto. When attempting to sing like him, it is important to pay attention to the following:

Breath support

Good breath support helps bring power and clarity to your singing. Improve yours by practicing the Farinelli Breathing exercise.

Voice Registers

Learning to use your chest, mixed and head voice registers can help you achieve Gabe's smooth and powerful sound.


Gabe uses falsetto to achieve his signature sound. For falsetto practice, try using this warm-up: Singing Comfort Zone

Pitch Accuracy

Gabe has excellent pitch accuracy, he uses the Vocal Pitch Monitor. Use it too, to train and monitor your pitch accuracy.


Resonance is important in singing, to avoid nasal or muddy sounds. Work on it by trying Soft Palate and Stop Sounding Nasal exercises.

Songs to Learn

Gabe Pope has a variety of songs that showcase his unique vocal style. Here are some to try emulating in your own singing practice:

Practical Advice

  • Record yourself singing to get feedback on pitch accuracy and breath support.
  • When performing, remember to stay relaxed and enjoy the moment. Use the Relaxing Breath warm-up to help you with it.
  • To find more songs in your vocal range, use the Singing Carrots Song Search tool.
  • Regular practice and vocal exercises can help you achieve the same quality as Gabe Pope.

Singing Carrots Resources

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.